Let’s start with a little reassurance. Posting regularly and consistently on your social media pages is hard. It can feel tedious, overwhelming, and a bit disheartening if some of your posts don’t get the interaction you thought they would.
Please, please don’t let this stop you from getting yourself and your business out there on a regular basis.
If you don’t post, YOU are reducing the chances of people seeing your content to ZERO. It sounds obvious but if there are no new posts going up then there is no chance of your content appearing on your audience’s news feeds. If your page goes dormant for regular periods of time, the platforms themselves (those pesky algorithms) will know and the amount of eyes you reach with your infrequent posts will be minimal.
Social media growth takes time. There are no magic beans, secret formulas, tricks or ways to ‘beat’ the algorithms. You just have to keep at it! Consistent, regular posting does pay off, just not instantly. Be patient. The sooner you start being consistent, the sooner you will start to see results.
As with most things in life, the more you do something the better and faster you get at doing that thing. Creating content for your social media business pages may take you a lot of time when you start and some of that time may be you talking yourself out of posting something because you don’t think it’s exactly ‘right’. Keep at it and you will find:
🌻 You get faster at creating posts
🌻 You gain confidence to post things you wouldn’t have at the start
🌻 You learn as you go and can add in new types of posts
🌻 Ideas come way easier than when you first posted
🌻 Your content gets better reach
🌻 You gain more of your ideal followers
🌻 You start getting interaction on this brilliant content you’re putting out there
🌻 You soon have a whole bank of posts that you can use again!
All this ⬆️ because I started posting regularly? Yes!
Of course, there are other things you can do to help the growth of your social media pages, but this is the foundation of it all.
If you don’t post, how will you be seen? How will people find out about your amazing products or services? How will people remember you? – They won’t.
How will you grow your audience? How will you get better and quicker at posting? How will you become familiar to your online audience? – You won’t.
So, my call to action for you today is – Go and post on your social media pages!